Thursday, February 19, 2009

I just booked our Cozumel excursions!!! We will be scuba diving from 10:00 a.m. til noon and then we swim with the dolphins at 2:00 p.m.

Those are pictures of Chankanaab Park. Free snorkeling was included in our dolphin swim package so maybe we will do a little of that!

Ahh! I have so much to get done. I am SUCH a procrastinator!

Story time!!!

I have chosen to sleep on the couch at Stacy’s house for the past month or so. Sierra has become increasingly violent in her sleep. She yells at me and kicks me, rolls on top of me and L-O-V-E-S to play with my ears. So I figured it was best to get married with both of my ears still attached and minimal bruises! :)

Last night, I was sleeping. I don’t have a clue what time it was. Something jolted me awake and I heard someone come into the garage from the back yard (there is a door in the garage that goes straight out to the back yard) I started panicking. I couldn’t decide whether I should run back to one of the kid’s rooms or into Stacy’s room where Mr. Top Shooter man was!!!!! 911 also ran though my mind. But apparently I don’t have much logic when I have been sleeping and as dumb as this sounds, I decided they wouldn’t be able to see me on the couch and I laid and watched to see what would happen. I guess maybe I thought I would jump up and scare them to death…? I DON’T KNOW!!!!

By that time, the intruder had made his way into the kitchen from the garage and I FREAKED! I’ve NEVER been so scared in my life. A man walked around the corner… and it was MARK!!! He had gone outside because the dogs were barking. I absolutely did not hear him go outside! Totally NOT cool!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We got our marriage license last Friday. Best $80 we ever spent!!

We went up to the airport on Saturday for the big homecoming/family reunion. Sierra is just too funny! I was holding her before the plane arrived and she kept saying, "Larriat, I'm going to run to my daddy when I see him!!!" She also decided she would walk to her mom when she saw her, but she was definitely running to see her daddy! I guess it is final they will be moving to Alpine, but I still don't want to talk about it!

We are getting down to the nitty gritty! 11 days to go and I am so, SO ready! Both my boss and Dewayne's boss are coming!! I'm so excited for all the family to be here! I am trying to figure out a nice place where we can ALL go to dinner the evening of the wedding. Yes, I am trying to be just like you, Betheny! I don't even know if she reads this or not, but it was definitely the COOLEST when we all got to hang out after their wedding! Its best not to roam the streets of Odessa at night... but we can totally do dinner somewhere!

One of my friends works at Pacific Tan and I did a Mystic (spray on) tan last night. I've got to admit, my entire body looks AWESOME. It really worked great. Except my hands. I must have had them positioned wrong, especially my left hand. Because they look like I have been playing in orange mud. :) But everything else is perfectly even and very natural looking! I do believe I will be doing it again before the wedding... if I can figure out what went wrong with my hands!!!!

Gotta go to a meeting my boss just decided to call... hope its a good one!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Not much time to blog… just wanted everyone to know I have just been REALLY busy!!!!

The wedding is coming along just fine. Just lots of things to do in the last 17 days before!!! AHH!!! 17 days!!!!