Wednesday, April 29, 2009

At 4:00 a.m. Saturday morning, I was jolted awake by Dewayne jumping out of bed and yelling at me to give him his gun (it was in my nightstand drawer from when he was out of town one night). I handed it to him and he raced down the stairs. I was so scared! He didn’t even tell me what was going on. Dewayne yanked the front door open with his gun drawn and in his underwear.

Apparently these two (not so bright) guys had beaten on our door so loudly it woke him up. They saw a car parked in front of our townhouse and decided that the owner of the car lived in our apartment. Boy, were they wrong!

And me… I am upstairs this whole time still without a clue. I peeked out our bedroom window but all I could see was a taxi. I heard the door shut and one of the two guys said, “DID HE HAVE A GUN??” At that point, I got brave and went downstairs. Dewayne was at our back door and the guys were still beating on doors to try to find this lady. So I called the cops. The cops arrived about 6 or 7 minutes later and these two pure bred geniuses were STILL walking around. One of them even decided he needed to pee and did it on one side of Dewayne’s truck!!!!

After the cops put them back in the taxi and sent them on their way, Dewayne and I went outside to talk to the cops. They said that the white guy had given the lady (the owner of the blue car) some money to hold for him right before he got out of jail. Now, he was out of jail and wanted his money back. They happened to be driving by and SAW this car from the road (which is a fairly lengthy distance) and decided to drop by at 4 in the morning.

Now, let me tell you about the owner of the blue car. I know we can’t judge a book by its cover, ESPECIALLY after the Craigslist killer BUT… I’m pretty sure this lady is not involved with these two idiots. She is a single woman well into her sixty’s. She is a teacher at Permian and is always going out with her friends. She has 100 bumper stickers stuck on her car all of which involve Texas, Bush, or Jesus and a Ty beanie baby on her dash board. She always tells us when she is going out of town and when she will be back so that we can use her covered parking space that she has to pay for! When I told the apartment manager about the incident she said, “Wait… you must be mistaken! They were looking for BARBARA???”

The story isn’t over. After the cops leave, we went back upstairs. We had every light in the house turned off so we could see out but they couldn’t see in. Daisy was such a good girl during this entire ordeal. She was scared! So scared that it scared the poop out of her! It wasn’t funny at the time because Dewayne was already mad as all get out and he stepped in dog poop. He yelled at ME (!) and made ME (!) clean it off!!!! It was such an eventful evening. And of course, Dewayne laid down and instantly started snoring. However, I just laid there. I finally fell asleep a little after 6:00 a.m.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I just thought everyone needed an updated picture of our baby. She may not be as fun as grandkid pictures, but its all ya get for a while!!!!!!

Isn't she sweet!?!?!

Monday, April 6, 2009

It's been a while...

I guess it has been long enough since I’ve blogged…

I don’t have much to update. We have decided to push back the house a few months since everything is so unstable right now. Cameron didn’t have enough people take the voluntary retirement package and are resorting to INVOLUNTARY workforce reduction. We also got emails from the company’s CEO today stating we will not be getting our raises in May as planned. I’ve been told my job is not at risk… but how disappointing would it be to start building a house and have to back out? We are looking at starting the project in August. PLUS, the homebuilder we are going to use is starting another subdivision just a LITTLE farther north of town that we both liked. They are putting in the streets and won’t start building there for another month or two anyway!

Daisy lost her first two teeth! We have been a little concerned about her because almost ALL of her adult teeth have grown in and none of her baby teeth had come out! She has twice the amount of teeth so it hurts twice as bad when she decides to chew on your hand! The vet said it would happen between 7 and 9 months. We were all over at mom and dad’s this weekend eating some ribs and Travis came running up to me with a tooth. I thought it was his but it was one of Daisy’s! He had spotted it on mom’s white carpet! So I was checking her mouth and it looks like the same tooth on either side has fallen out!

Dewayne and I have something planned on almost every weekend from now until the end of May. We are busy, busy people!

We are having a chili cook off at work. I’m so excited because I have become the “event planner” around here. From the Oil Show, to the Christmas party, to a chili cook off! My boss is also having me plan something that Cameron does for our major customers. I love all the planning. I’ve decided I actually miss all the wedding planning. Who knows, maybe that is actually what I will end up being! I always wanted to when I was younger… Maybe I should switch my major to business management and minor in sociology… It’s a thought!