Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It has been too long since I’ve last blogged! Where do I begin?!!?

The 4th of July was too much fun. I was really glad to get to see Randi and McKayla. I think they get sweeter every time I see them. Even Randi gives me a million hugs. We cooked out on the grill all weekend, popped our own fireworks, went to Firecracker Fandango, and watched the fireworks downtown. Very, very busy and over way too quickly!

We still haven’t moved into the house yet. Our lease is up on July 31 but we can stay another month if we need to. We just pay extra for the month rather than re-signing the lease. But I think we could be in before the end of the month… everyone pray! And since I know you are all so concerned about it, just like I am, my new dining room table is STILL sitting at Furniture Row… pitiful.

Dewayne bought a new truck… and he definitely needed one. He ended up with this 2007 2500 4x4 Dodge Diesel. I’m really glad we bought it. I’m not crazy about the idea of having another car payment but it is better than having to spend all the money to get his fixed.

People think I am exaggerating when I talk about Daisy and how obnoxious she is in bed. She is so rotten! She sleeps between us every night with her head on the pillow with ALLLL the blankets wrapped around her. So, I woke up the other morning and took a picture!!!!!!

See her tiny little head buried in all those blankets?! Yes, she sleeps like this EVERY night!!

Dewayne’s sister got me hooked on the Twilight series. I’m almost finished with New Moon and I’ve only had the books for a week. I’m really dragging out the end of New Moon because the movie doesn’t come out until November 20th! I will be 22 by then!!! Are they TRYING to kill me?!!? I’m afraid to start the NEXT book because they haven’t even started filming on it! I will surely go insane before they get them all filmed!

Dewayne really wants to take a vacation soon. We will see!!!

1 comment:

jenndmitchell said...

vacation!!! yea!!! take me w/ you!!!